the franchise, a winning bet


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

R. Asencio, M. Niewengloski, M. Salmon, J. Pires – France 2

France Televisions

The number of business creations rose again in March, at +1.2% after +2% in February. This mainly concerns the industry and business support sectors. Some prefer to start sheltered by a brand, a franchise.

Fast food, clothing, real estate, or even supermarkets. More than 80,000 points of sale are franchises, with independent entrepreneurs behind them. Their strong point: these shops are immediately recognizable, which reassures this young engineer. “For me, a franchise is more a question of quality, of being sure to have a product that conforms to what I expect”, he said. It is also a winning recipe for entrepreneurs.

Follow very precise specifications

Aurélien Wagner owns two franchise bakeries. When he decided to become his own boss, six years ago, he chose an already very established brand, a well-known brand, with essential products. “It helps, automatically”, assures the leader of La Mie Câline in Compiègne (Oise). But being a franchise means following very precise specifications, and respecting the rules established by the brand, with at least four inspections a year.

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