The franceinfo playlist. Cecil L. Recchia, Rone & Jay-Z

This week in franceinfo’s Playlist, singer Cecil L. Recchia and two masterful soundtracks: that of Rone for “Les Olympiades” by Jacques Audiard, in theaters, and a high-flying hip-hop alliance led by Jay-Z for “The Harder They Fall”, available on Netflix.

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Cecil L. Recchia, Play Blue (Harpo Association). Album available.

Rone, Soundtrack “Les Olympiades” (Infinite). Album available, film by Jacques Audiard in theaters.

Multi-interpreters, The Harder They Fall Motion Picture Soundtrack (Geneva Club / Roc Nation Records). Album available, movie available on Netflix.

Find the choices of the culture department of franceinfo in this playlist updated every week (Deezer format to find here)

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