… The franceinfo news of Wednesday May 4, 2022

Around Saveria Rojekthe informed discuss the news of Wednesday 4 may 2022.

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Around Saveria Rojekthe informed discuss the news of the wednesday 4 may 2022.

The themes :

– The union of the left with two fingers to succeed: the PS will submit to the vote of its national council the agreement concluded with the Insoumis. A definitive fracture for the socialist party? An undeniable political coup for Jean-Luc Mélenchon?

– Emmanuel Macron takes his time to revise: no reshuffle before May 13, what does this calendar mean? Does the Head of State have any doubts?

– New European sanctions against Russia: after coal, Brussels will boycott Russian oil. What about gas?

– The 30th anniversary of the Furiani disaster: no more professional football championship matches in France on May 5, why wait 30 years for this commemorative measure?

The informed:

Jannick Halimi, political journalist at Le Parisien/Today-in-France

– Stephane Vernay, Paris editorial director of Ouest-France

– Pascal Riche, senior reporter at L’Obs

– Régis Le Sommier, great reporter, author of “The truth on the ground” (Books)

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