the France Espoirs team beats Serbia and gets closer to Euro 2023

Les Bleuets completely mastered the Serbs on Thursday, despite the low score (2-0) and have a seventh consecutive success in the knockout phase of Euro 2023.

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They have mastered their subject from A to Z. The France Espoirs team won, Thursday, June 2, its eighth match of the qualifying phase for Euro 2023, against Serbia (2-0). At the Stade des Alpes in Grenoble (Isère), the Bleuets were never really worried and had the advantage from start to finish against a Serbian team without an idea. Faced with the low block imposed by their opponents, it is Khephren Thuram (42nd) who scored his first goal with the Espoirs – and Amine Gouiri (60th) who found the net.

With this success, the best French players under 21 are taking another step towards qualifying for the European Championship which will take place in the summer of 2023 in Georgia and Romania. But there is still a step to take. If they occupy first place in their group (22 points) – the only directly qualifying place – they are not immune to a return of the Ukrainians, second with a game behind (16 points).

Ukrainians they will find on June 9 in Istanbul, at the end of this qualifying campaign. But before that, the players of Sylvain Ripoll, who remain on seven consecutive victories, could take shelter by winning against Armenia on Monday June 6th.

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