The France Bleu 100% Creuse tour criss-crosses the Creuse this summer to celebrate the 40th anniversary of your radio station

We don’t turn 40 every day! 40 years of closeness is worth celebrating. France Bleu Creuse is launching its major 100% Creuse summer tour this Monday, July 4, until August 12, and will stop in nearly 30 towns and villages in the region.

Every morning of the week, the France Bleu Creuse village will set up in your home, in order to meet you, to give the floor to the actors and associations of your territory and to make you discover your wealth and your summer activities.

More than 100m2 to welcome you and offer you, during our three hours of live broadcast, to enjoy the entertainment and games on site and to discover the exhibition on the theme “music and water”.

Josiane Peyron will host this program and invite all those who work to promote cultural and local actions for the occasion.

Josiane Peyron © Radio France

During the morning, you can participate in our summer game “The wheel of gifts”. A producer village will also be set up on site. Vintage cars will be present in the village, including the R9, the best-selling car in 1982, the year Radio La Creuse was born.

Every day between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., live mini-concert! Laetiket, artist, musician and singer will invite musicians and singers who will tell us about their region and their music.


Such a tour would not have been possible without the support of our partners whom we would like to thank: the Department of Creuse, Avia Picoty, Intermarché, La CCI de la Creuse, Enedis, Banque Populaire, The Chamber of Agriculture of Creuse, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Creuse, Mr Bricolage, the town of Guéret, Creuse Tourisme, the prefecture of Creuse, Orange and the Glomot nurserymen.

France Bleu Creuse thanks its partners
France Bleu Creuse thanks its partners

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