“The frail elderly who live at home”, “black spot” of the campaign for the third dose of vaccine, according to an association

According to Romain Gizolme, director of the Association of Directors in the Service of the Elderly (AD-PA), the campaign for the third dose of vaccines against Covid-19 is trampling especially among the elderly who live alone at home.

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While the government has launched a new appeal to all audiences concerned by a third dose of vaccine against Covid-19, “the black spot will be the vaccination of the elderly who live at home and who do not have the possibility of going to the doctor”, estimated on Franceinfo Wednesday, October 20 Romain Gizolme, director of the Association of Directors at the Service of the Elderly (AD-PA). He therefore recommends strengthening the policy “to go to” for these people. The public concerned by the third dose, that is to say the most fragile, can perform this injection since the beginning of September.

Four million eligible people have not yet received it, including residents of nursing homes and people over 65 living at home. “There are no major difficulties from the point of view of supply circuits”, wanted to reassure Romain Gizolme, evoking procedures “already broken in”. He also assured that there was no brake on consent.

“The major difficulties are rather of the order of the state of human resources”, detailed Romain Gizolme, evoking “professionals largely exhausted by the months of crisis” and “a context of constant under-staffing”. According to him, nurses are “very few” in structures and “very mobilized” in vaccination centers. He therefore estimated that the campaign for the third dose will require “a little time”.

In retirement homes, half of the residents received their booster dose. “There shouldn’t be any difficulties because 97% of people have accepted the first and second dose. Chances are they will take the third dose without difficulty.”, predicted Romain Gizolme. “In the establishment, the healthcare teams do the information work. There is therefore a strong awareness.”

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