the fourth dose is now open to people over 80, announces Jean Castex

The Prime Minister has ruled out “changing strategy” in the face of the rebound in the epidemic, when most restrictions are to be lifted on Monday March 14.

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Jean Castex announced, in an interview with Parisian published Saturday, March 12, the opening of the fourth dose of vaccine against Covid-19 “to those over 80 who have received their booster dose for more than three months”. Faced with the rebound of the epidemic, the Prime Minister also recommended “Strongly to fragile people, due to their age or their pathologies, to maintain the wearing of masks in closed places and in large gatherings”.

Granting that there was currently a “recovery of cases”Jean Castex however excluded from “change strategy”while most restrictions are due to be lifted on Monday, March 14. “The scientific council, which I have requested, tells us that it is above all the BA2 sub-variant which is at the origin of this rebound, justified the Prime Minister. It is more transmissible than the original Omicron, but it does not appear to be more dangerous.”

“The hospital pressure, which remains our justice of the peace, continues to drop, he insisted. The improvement in the hospital and our high vaccination coverage lead us to maintain the lifting of the measures. From Monday, the health pass will remain compulsory in health establishments. Just like wearing a mask, which will also be imposed in transport.

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