the four deputies of Nupes elected in the first round go to the Assembly this afternoon

Daniele Obono, Sarah Legrain, Sophia Chikirou and Alexis Corbière meet at 3:30 p.m. on the Place du Palais Bourbon in Paris.

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The four deputies of the NNew People’s Ecological and Social Union (all tendency La France insoumise) elected in the first round of the legislative elections have planned, in a symbolic action which marks the start of the campaign for the second round, to go to the National Assembly on Monday June 13 in the afternoon . They meet at 3:30 p.m. on the Place du Palais Bourbon in Paris, franceinfo has learned. “Yesterday [dimanche] evening, the Nupes became the first political force in the country”they say in a press release.

>> Results of the 2022 legislative elections: discover the final scores of the first round in your constituency

Danièle Obono (57.07% of the votes in the 17th constituency of Paris), Sarah Legrain (56.51% of the votes in the 16th constituency of Paris), Sophia Chikirou (53.74% of the votes in the 6th constituency of Paris) , and Alexis Corbière (62.94% of the vote in the 7th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis) planned to enter the National Assembly on Monday.

In addition to them, a fifth candidate is elected in the first round. The Ensemble candidate, Yannick Favennec, re-elected with 57.13% of the vote in the 3rd constituency of Mayenne.

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