the four college students prosecuted for harassment acquitted on appeal

The 13-year-old boy committed suicide in January. Those close to him had denounced acts of harassment, in particular homophobic insults.



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The Nancy Court of Appeal, June 6, 2023, in Nancy (France).  (ESCUDERO PATRICK / HEMIS.FR / AFP)

It was a long-awaited decision, in a case which had caused great emotion. The Nancy Court of Appeal acquitted, on Monday November 6, the four students prosecuted for acts of “harassment leading to suicide” of young Lucas, a 13-year-old schoolboy, found dead in January in the Vosges.

The Court, in its decision consulted by AFP and confirmed by two defense lawyers with France Bleu Sud Lorraineemphasized the character “odious” remarks which had been made by the defendants “between September 1, 2022 and the beginning of October 2022”. She nevertheless pointed out “the absence of demonstrated effect” of these words “on Lucas’ mental health”, as well as the absence of “causality link” with the suicide of the schoolboy, which occurred several weeks later, on January 7, 2023.

College students found guilty at first instance

The teenager’s relatives had denounced acts of harassment, mockery and homophobic insults of which Lucas had said he was the victim from other students in his establishment. At first instance, in June, the court found the four minors guilty of harassment. However, he did not have established the causal link between these facts and Lucas’ suicide. The defendants’ lawyers appealed.

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