The founder of the association Aides Daniel Defert died at 85

The philosopher and sociologist Daniel Defert founded Aides in 1984.

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The founder of the association for the fight against HIV Aides, Daniel Defert, sociologist and philosopher, died at the age of 85, the association announced on Tuesday February 7 on Twitter.

“It is with deep sadness that we learn this evening of the death of Daniel Defert, founder of Aides. He leaves behind him the indelible memory of an activist life and the principles of action that the 2,200 activists we we perpetuate on a daily basis”writes the association on Twitter.

Daniel Defert contributed to “breaking the leaden screed surrounding HIV/AIDS”and to fight the “stigma”paid tribute to Aides in its statement posted on Twitter. “We who are affected by the virus, we who are the invisible, the minoritized, the excluded, those whom Daniel has always endeavored to make visible, we will continue his fight, our fight”added the association.

Daniel Defert founded Aides in 1984 after the death of the philosopher Michel Foucault, whose companion he had been for more than twenty years, at the age of 57. “We had campaigned together and it was a bit of my work of mourning to continue militant work”he explained on France Culture in 2000.

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