The Fortnite video game is no longer accessible in China

(Beijing) The game phenomenon Fortnite, which brings together millions of online followers around the world, is no longer accessible in China, players confirmed on Monday after the deadline set by its American publisher.

Epic Games announced earlier this month that it would stop the version of Fornite specific to China, where violent, obscene or politically sensitive content is strictly regulated.

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world, with over 350 million users to its name – more than the population of the United States.

This decision comes against a backdrop of tightening regulations in China targeting the digital sector.

Video games, which in China represent a significant financial windfall, but are criticized for their addictive side among young people, has not been spared.

In August, the authorities imposed a drastic limit of three hours of video games per week for those under 18, while some could spend days glued to their screens.

Fortnite, which is free to download, generates billions in revenue with the purchase by players of additional items for their characters, including outfits.

Gambling has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon, to the point that certain games are now watched live by millions of spectators.

With this audience, Fortnite has opened up in recent months to collaborations with celebrities who appear occasionally in the game in the form of avatars.

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