Two letters from the rectorate received in the spring by the teenager’s parents, who had denounced the harassment of which their son claimed to be a victim, threatened Nicolas’s family with legal action.
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She assures that she didn’t know. The former rector of Versailles, Charline Avenel, had not “not aware” of the controversial letter sent by the rectorate to the parents of Nicolas, 15 years old who committed suicide at the start of the school year after being harassed, she declared in an interview published on Saturday September 23 by The Parisian.
Charline Avenel also presents “an apology to Nicolas’ parents” in her name and in the name of the institution she headed at the time of the facts, describing this letter as“inadmissible”. “I was devastated when I learned of the death of this student. When I discovered the existence of this letter a week ago in the press, I was devastated”she assures.
In this interview, the former rector explains that she also did not know that a letter of the same ilk had been sent to a family who reported a sexual assault at the beginning of the year on their little girl by an after-school leader in Andrésy (Yvelines) .
Human error or systemic problem?
“I validated the principle of letters addressed to families which threaten teachers”letters called “comminatories” to which National Education staff may have access to recall legal provisions. “But never for correspondence with families whose children are victims of harassment.“
“I discover that these letters of disapproval have been sent, and I fear in large numbers, indiscriminately, to families in distress.”
Charline Avenel, former rector of Versaillesin “The Parisian”
The former rector assures at this stage that she cannot say whether these sendings relate to “a human error or a systemic problem that goes beyond the Versailles academy”.
The Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal, “will go to the Versailles rectorate on Monday morning to take stock with the new rector”appointed in mid-July, announced rue de Grenelle.