the former rector of the Academy of Versailles apologizes to Nicolas’s family


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – S. Piard, M. Martel, JJ Buty, L. Hauville

France Televisions

In the columns of Le Parisien, Sunday September 24, the former rector of the Academy of Versailles apologized to the family of Nicolas, the teenager, victim of harassment, who killed himself at the beginning of September.

Her words were eagerly awaited, the former rector of the Academy of Versailles (Yvelines) is explained in the columns of Le Parisien, Sunday September 24, on the threatening letter sent to Nicolas’s parents. They had complained of insufficient support for the harassment of their 15-year-old son. The teenager committed suicide on September 15. “I was devastated to learn of the death of this student. When I discovered the existence of this letter a week ago in the press, I was devastated.”said Charline Avenel.

A standard letter

She apologized to Nicolas’s parents. The letter they received in May recalled that slanderous denunciations are punishable by 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros, ua standard letter to defend national education personnel. “I validated the principle of letters sent to families threatening teachers. But never for correspondence with families whose children are victims of harassment”assures the former rector. For the spokesperson for a federation of parents, this letter marks a serious dysfunction within the rectorate.

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