Guest of France Inter on Wednesday, former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve believes that the government has not adopted the right strategy to pass the pension reform.
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“We must create the conditions for a fair compromise around the reforms the country needs”, argues Bernard Cazeneuve, former Socialist Prime Minister, invited this Wednesday on France Inter. According to him, the government “it’s wrong to say no to everything”. He denounces, for example, the fact that the executive rejected the proposal made by Laurent Berger, leader of the CFDT, to put the pension reform on hold and to launch a mediation.
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“They are wrong to say no to the reformist unions, because when you want to be a reformist government, the deals are made with the reformist unions, not with the most conservative parliamentarians on the right, in order to build a majority in favor of a reform”continues Bernard Cazeneuve. “That’s a bad strategy”he adds.
Moreover, the former Socialist Prime Minister points to a reform “very unfair”. “These are not the right measures and it is not the right time”he believes. “This reform was made at the worst time”, insists Bernard Cazeneuve, citing the health crisis and the war in Ukraine. According to him, this reform “will put those who have been on the front line, in a position to have to be the first contributors to the effort”.