the former Miss France will not be able to speak for a month, her doctor is formal!

If some announce the imminent arrival of a child, a breakup, or, on the contrary, the birth of a couple, at the start of the year 2023… this is not the case of Maëva Coucke. Indeed, the ex-Miss France, she announces bad news. But her community had suspected for a few days of the announcement she was going to make to them. This Tuesday, January 3, the one who was attacked in New York, was already speaking to prepare her fans for the news that was to follow.

“Okay friends, I have to tell you. Tomorrow, I’m going to see my phoniatrist”she explained facing the camera in one of her stories before giving details on the role of this health professional: “for those who have followed the story, I have had nodules in the vocal cords for a while and in fact the phoniatrist, he is really THE specialist in the vocal cords and there, that’s it, after several months of rehabilitation I have my date”. One “appointment”But why ?

Maëva Coucke will have to “shut up” against her will

To know if his “small edema has moved”and if it has “exchange”. Because otherwise “it will be operation” and that would prevent Maëva Coucke from “talk for a month”. “I will no longer have the right to open my mouth. Well maybe a little bit after the third week”, she revealed to her subscribers. And this Wednesday, January 4, the bad news fell: “Okay friends, I’ll stop making the suspense last. I went to my phoniatrist and it’s… operation”.

Not really a surprise for the beauty despite everything. This one has indeed confessed that she does not “doubted” because despite the fact that she honored her “reduction as it should”she knew there was a good chance that her edema wouldn’t budge an inch. “And he didn’t move! He didn’t move at all despite all my rehabilitation sessions and my exercises every day…”, she confided a bit resigned. However, Maëva Coucke wanted to reassure her community. Despite general anesthesia, it would be a “small operation”. The only problem remains the fact of not speaking for almost a month.

See also: Maeva Coucke: on a trip to New York with her lover, the former Miss France is violently attacked!


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