The former Miss France, Malika Ménard, in tears on Instagram, affected by an incurable disease…

This Tuesday, June 21, France entirely celebrated the first day of summer, but also the music festival. While the mood was celebratory, Malika Ménard took to her social networks to address a much more serious subject. ” Today is music day, but above all it’s international ALS day (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, editor’s note) “confided Miss France 2010 in an Instagram story.

“A disease that needs funding”

Charcot’s disease is a disease that affects me closely, which is in my daily life since my dad has it. It’s a disease that needs funding, that needs help because right now research has stalled. We have no idea of ​​the origin of this disease, nor any way to fight against it. So that’s a lot. In short, we need your help. “explained the former beauty queen before adding:” I encourage you to make a donation to ARSLA, it is the national association which defends the rights of sick people and which finances research on Charcot’s disease. »

It was in January 2019 that Malika Ménard learned the terrible news. ” Summer 2018, my mother-in-law called me to tell me about her concerns about my dad’s health. He has problems holding objects, especially his eating utensils. As my paternal grandparents had Parkinson’s disease, I think of this disease… It was only in January 2019 that my father announced to me that he had Charcot’s disease, ALS. I will always remember this day… “, she confided to the Word to Patients.

And to continue: He no longer has the use of his legs or his arms. Besides, that’s what he told me: the loss of his arms was difficult to manage, because we become completely dependent on others for the slightest daily gesture. It is also, among other things, for this reason that I no longer have the same relationship with him. I can’t talk to him about the little hassles of everyday life, we can’t go to the restaurant or the theater for example. I had to mourn the relationship I had with my father “. Touching confidences.


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