the former Miss France Alsatian Delphine Wespiser takes a stand for Marine Le Pen

Elected Miss France in 2012, Delphine Wespiser complimented Marine Le Pen on the set of TPMP: “When you look at her, when you listen to her, she offers something else, she has worked, she has a form of benevolence”. She also demanded the right to vote”for someone other than Emmanuel Macron, who has had his day“.

Delphine Wespiser would like “A mother of the French”

Delphine Wespiser then stated thatshe liked the idea of ​​seeing a woman leading the country : “I would like a mother of the French, who brings people together, who protects, with a woman’s sensitivity. We know very well that men talk a lot“.

Remarks which in particular made comedian Yassine Belattar, also present on the set, react: “Would you have accepted the idea that Miss France represents part of the French and turns her back on the others? Delphine Wespiser then defended the far-right candidate : “You can’t say that Marine Le Pen is the devil”.

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