The former juror of MasterChef “in prison” … Shocking revelations!

This Thursday, June 29, 2023, C8 broadcast a new issue of the show At Jordan’s brought to you by Jordan de Luxe. Exit Laurence Boccolini, Caroline Barclay or Bruno Moneroe, the famous animator spoke at length with Yves Camdeborde, chef and former juror emblematic of MasterChef. An opportunity for the latter to make some confidences. During his interview with the acolyte of Cyril Hanouna, the fifty-year-old revealed to be already been to jail.”

“That’s not the time I almost went to jail,I have been to jail before. I’m not kidding”,he notably launched under the dumbfounded gaze of his interlocutor. Subsequently, the Pau lifted the veil on this famous incarceration. If he has not been charged, he claims to have been placed in police custody for “bullshit”. “I am someone who lives, who sometimes goes to excess. Who does stupid things and who will make not very intelligent provocations”, he confided. In shock, Jordan de Luxe therefore tried to find out more… without much success. Indeed, Yves Camdeborde did not wish to go into details. However, he clarified not to have been there only once”.According to him, he would not have failed to provoke institutions” and would even have attacked the President of the Republic.

See also:

Emmanuel Macron targeted

The facts would have taken place a few years earlier. “I had not degraded anything”, he assured during his interview before adding: “It’s just the verb or the song that was a little unwelcome”. An air that he would have sung in front of the Palais de L’Élysée. Far from regretting, the chef admitted not have said horrible things but this [qu’il] thought “… Which unfortunately would not have pleased Emmanuel Macron who therefore took drastic measures. In the program : “Custody that lasts 12 hours” and particularly painful ear pulling sessions. A bad memory for Frédéric Anton’s sidekick.


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