the former green candidate Noël Mamère calls on the parties “not to remain insensitive to this call”

“I support of course the idea of ​​the popular primary because it starts from civil society, it does not start from political parties or small apparatus tricks”, judged Saturday, December 11, Noël Mamère, former candidate The Greens in the presidential election of 2002. “It comes from activists, men and women, mainly young people, who are very involved in the struggles, not just ecological but also social. And it is because there is this liveliness in civil society that I felt the need to support her “.

“It is high time for political parties, and in particular environmentalists, not to remain insensitive to this call”, adds the former mayor of Bègles, “especially since most of the volunteers who are very agitated on the ground to jostle the political parties, are environmental activists”.

Faced with the refusal of Yannick Jadot, designated environmental candidate, to participate in this primary, Noël Mamère admits that he may be “went a bit fast”. “But we are only in December”, he puts into perspective. “The presidential election takes place in April. Of course, we must not waste time. He is right to say that he won the primary of the environmentalists. But I am seeing that this popular primary, it’s gaining momentum and momentum. A lot, a lot of people have registered for a few days already. So I think it is useful that he starts discussions with the people in charge of the popular primary, especially in addition, it does not start from nothing since a common base has in fact been established “.

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Noël Mamère said he was convinced that the various participants could agree to form a union with the approach of the presidential election, with a single candidate. “Look at what happened in Germany: it is political parties which very often fight each other which have succeeded in a coalition agreement”, he recalls. “Environmentalists have already shown that they are able to step aside”, adds Noël Mamère, recalling the example of 2017, when Yannick Jadot withdrew in favor of Benoît Hamon. “But today, the time is not for the erasure of ecology. The time is for emancipation, the promotion of ecology”, he concludes.

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