the former director of the Egyptian company Flash Airlines indicted

This is the first indictment in the case of the Sharm el-Sheikh crash, which occurred in 2004.

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The former general manager of the Egyptian airline Flash Airlines was indicted for “manslaughter” by a Parisian examining magistrate in the investigation into the crash in Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) in 2004, franceinfo has learned with Isabelle Manson-Duchatelle, secretary of the Association for the Defense of the Families of Victims of the Sharm el-Sheikh Air Disaster, confirming information from the daily Le Parisien.

This is the first indictment in this affair, 18 years after this tragedy which left 148 dead, including 134 French, on January 3, 2004. The Flash Airlines aircraft crashed in the Red Sea three minutes after taking off from the seaside resort.

The same day, an investigation was opened by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. It ended in a dismissal in 2017. The families of the victims had however seized the Court of Appeal of Paris, which had ordered in September 2019 the resumption of the investigations, deeming “insufficient” the attempts carried out during the instruction to collect the explanations of the former chairman of the board of directors of Flash Airlines.

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