the former columnist of “TPMP” owes him €165,000!

They were the best of friends until a few months ago, but business got the better of this great understanding… In a press release, the Genton group, chaired by Guillaume Genton, announces suing Nicolas Pernikoff, CEO of La Nouvelle, for non-payment of several invoices for more than a year and a half. The amount is colossal: Cyril Hanouna’s columnist criticizes his former colleague to owe him €165,520.71 including taxan amount that he has persisted in not paying for several months, despite several unsuccessful reminders.

”The Genton Group is today attacking the companies La Nouvelle, No Site and Five, owned by Nicolas Pernikoff for non-payment of invoices for a total amount of €165,520.71 including tax. These companies, which present themselves as serious companies, and which ensure the communication of numerous brands in the field of beauty (René Futerer, Aderma, Ducray, Klorane) and which produce broadcasts for the public service (Silence ça push on France 5) have not paid their invoices for more than a year and a half to numerous service providers, including the companies of the Genton Group, up to €165,520.71 including tax.This is the reason why, to date, the Genton group has decided to act against to the many lies and broken promises. By not paying for the work of their partners, these managers endanger the financial balance of companies, which honor their commitments,” said the businessman and former Europe 2 morning worker.

They were the best friends in the world

Former number 3 of France Télévisions in the mid-2000s, Nicolas Pernikoff is an accomplished businessman, to whom we owe in particular the arrival of Touche pas à mon poste on France 4, and of N’oubli pas les mots on France 2. After having leaving the public service, the man retrained in communication, via his aforementioned boxes, the main one of which is La Nouvelle. In September 2018, Nicolas Pernikoff joined Cyril Hanouna’s team of columnists, but has not appeared on the show for a few months. In recent years, Guillaume Genton and Nicolas Pernikoff have appeared as accomplices on several occasions on their social networks.


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