the former candidate of the “New Star” reveals this unusual anecdote that unites them!

Benjamin Siksou“Nouvelle Star” 2008 edition, confided in the Candy last week as part of his latest album “Saxophonia”, released last June. And among his confessions, an unusual anecdote about the queen of dumplings, alias Diam’s. “The cool thing is to have been Diam’s answering machine for six months”, he revealed. Before specifying that the ex-rapper had a song from him in messaging. “She had ‘Hey ya’, it was her voicemail. Just for that, I’m happy to have made the New Star”he continued.

If he did not make it to the list of winners of the “New Star” in 2008, Benjamin Siksou has had a string of projects, musical and on screen, and has not been forgotten. In 2021, he reveals himself a little more to his audience by evoking his homosexuality for the first time. It was in season 2 of the “Coming Out” podcast, dedicated to the stories of “well-known and lesser-known personalities who talk about their coming out and their journey to fully accept themselves”describe Spotify. Moreover, he explains there that he does not like this term, “coming out”. “It inspires in me the confession, the fault and the moral duty towards the other. However, these notions make homosexuality very heavy to bear. I have never felt relieved to speak about it to anyone. maybe, I realized it as I announced it to my family, my friends, those around me… It wasn’t not talking about it that was heavy but not live”he confided to Elise Goldfarb and Julia Layani.

The artist has been living his love affair with Julien for 10 years, to whom he has already dedicated a song entitled “Chanson pour Julien”. “For me it’s a love song and I don’t claim anything”, he said about it. A title that earned him criticism, “disturbing”. He quoted a few: “‘It bothers me’, ‘I have the impression of entering into your intimacy’, ‘it lacks humor’, ‘You should do a duet with a girl’, “I’m afraid that people can’t recognize themselves”.

Antoine FM

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