the forest in the hands of citizens is growing ever more


Video length: 3 min

Nepal: the forest, in the hands of citizens, is growing ever more

Nepal has achieved the incredible challenge of reviving its forests. In 1993, they were handed over to community forestry groups. Narrative. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – H. Abdelkhalek, V. Reynaud, R. Sapkota

France Televisions

Nepal has achieved the incredible challenge of reviving its forests. In 1993, they were handed over to community forestry groups. Narrative.

Unlike the rest of much of the planet, Nepal is seeing its forests grow. After waves of deforestation in the 1980s, in 1993 the country entrusted the management from its forests to its own citizens. Since then, according to NASA studies, the area of ​​forests in the country has almost doubled. It now covers half of Nepal, and the trend continues.

The community manages from the forest

France 2 met two farmers, who run a forestry operation on a voluntary basis. 25 years ago, they planted 3,000 trees, along with dozens of residents, in a formerly deforested area. The government funded the tree seedlings, but the community manages the forest from there. “When there were no trees, there were regular landslides and larger floods. The erosion was stronger because the water infiltrated much more.”says Nam Raj Bajgain, vice-president of the forest community of Panchkhal (Nepal).

In these communities, it is forbidden to cut wood without permission. 50% of the proceeds from the sale go to the government, and 50% to the forestry community.

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