The Foreign Legion finds its public in Aubagne and Carpiagne

The legionnaires meet the curious in the Bouches-du-Rhône! The moment was important for the Foreign Legion, with a public ceremony organized this Saturday, April 30 in In prison. A first since the start of the Covid crisis. No open days in 2020 and 2021: the 2022 edition was full with 5,000 people gathered to follow the parade in the Viénot district.

“Become a legionnaire!” A recruitment stand is set up this Saturday April 30 and this Sunday May 1 in Aubagne © Radio France
Julie Gasco

The legionnaires honored the memory of the soldiers who fell during the battle at Camerone (Mexico) in 1863, marked by the resistance of 63 French soldiers against the Mexican army. A ceremony attended in particular by Gérard Gazay and Benoit Payan, respectively mayors of Aubagne and Marseille.

An open day also this Sunday, May 1

The day was also interactive for the visitors who discovered the job of legionnaire at Carpiagneright in the middle of the military base, usually closed to the public.

The discovery weekend continues this Sunday, May 1: the foreign legion receives the public again in Aubagne and Carpiagne. A fair is planned at the level of the two municipalities. A discovery of tanks and animations are organized in Carpiagne.

The children discover a commando exercise in Carpiane, supervised by the legionnaires
The children discover a commando exercise in Carpiane, supervised by the legionnaires © Radio France
Julie Gasco

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