The Force loses its last game

In its last outing in 2022-2023, the Montreal Force lost 4 to 3 against the Metropolitan Riveters, Sunday, in New Jersey.

The Belle Province team was already guaranteed not to participate in the playoffs of the Premier Hockey Federation (PHF), which was playing the first campaign in its history. La Force thus concludes its first lap in sixth place in the standings, with an 8-14-2 record.

In their duel of the day, the Montreal troupe saw their opponents hit the target twice in the first moments of the third period to take the lead 4 to 2. La Force, via a Catherine Dubois success, closed the gap in the final moments of regulation time, but it was too little too late.

It was the second goal of the game for Dubois, who had yet to move the ropes this season. The other Force net in this match was the handiwork of Sarah Lefort. Taylor Baker provided two assists in the loss.

Madison Packer, Kendall Cornine, Minttu Tuominen and Sarah Bujold beat Force goalkeeper Marie-Soleil Deschênes. The latter repelled 32 of the Riveters’ 36 shots.

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