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Like every Thursday, the columnist Valérie Heurtel reports the good ideas and initiatives of the French. Direction the Garches hospital, in the Hauts-de-Seine, where a food-truck brings smiles, the time of a lunch to young sick patients and caregivers.
Dozens ofchildren patients in the hospital Garches (Hauts-de-Seine) And their families have could deserter pediatric wards for a few hours to savor hamburgers and desserts from a food-truck. “It made me cry with joy”, explains a patient. “We eat breaded fish with vegetables and pasta instead. Normally”, continues another. VSis a renowned chef of the Ritz which is in the kitchen. “It changes them from the kitchen of the hospital (…), And it brings me smile and happiness their Who have Also the right”, explains Jérôme Legras, executive chef of the Ritz de Paris.
Caregivers are not forgotten, and are entitled to a brunch. “We feel valued”, underlines a nurse. This food-truck will crisscross France for two months, to improve the lives of the sick.
Trucks to federate
The “Tous le monde contre le cancer” truck is not the only one to want to federate and teach the French people how to eat better, or even swim. Ith truck food supported by the association “Les Insatiables” travels to schools to teach children how to eat better, and to discover new tastes. There is also the swimming pool truck. “When there is no swimming pool next to the school, the swimming pool comes to you”, explains Valerie Hurtelon the set of France 2. He stroll through the villages, and teaches children to swim.