the food check will be distributed to nine million modest French people




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In addition to the purchasing power law, the government wishes to grant a food check, of at least 100 euros, to the most modest households. Live from Matignon, Monday June 27, journalist Julien Nény takes stock of the system.

A food check will be distributed to the poorest households: those who receive the RSA, the minimum old age, the disabled adult allowance or the APL. “In all, more than nine million households are affected by this new food check. Nine million is twice as much as the previous system put in place by the government during the health crisis“, details the journalist Julien Nény, live from the Hôtel de Matignon (Paris), Monday, June 27.

Each French person concerned will receive 100 euros, but also 50 euros more for each dependent child. There will be no additional administrative steps to take, since it will be paid directly into the bank account“, he adds. The government would like to put it in place as early as September. This measure should cost one billion euros and will be added to the purchasing power law, which will be debated in the National Assembly. in July.

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