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The food voucher, which has been mentioned many times over the past two years and proposed during the Citizen’s Climate Convention, is still not on the table. Why does the device take so long to set up? Response elements.
This was one of the flagship proposals of the Citizen’s Climate Convention: to pay monthly aid to the most modest households, to encourage them to consume sustainable, French and organic food products. The proposal was validated in June 2020 by the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron. Two years later, it is still struggling to see the light of day. According to the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, making a list of French products eligible for the boost would be too complex an operation.
At the start of the school year, the government will opt for an inflation check, paid directly to low-income households, whatever their expenses. A bad signal, according to some agricultural unions. “It is still a real disappointment for us, that it does not serve more French growth, and in particular French agriculture”, laments Yannick Fialip, president of the Economic Commission of the FNSEA. The delay in the measure is also explained by its high cost: between three and ten billion euros, according to several food aid associations.