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The bill on purchasing power was presented in the afternoon of Thursday, July 7, in the Council of Ministers. An envelope of 20 billion euros should help the French to overcome the period of high inflation. Among the measures adopted, the food check.
When she does her shopping, Antoinette Murcia counts to the nearest euro. This retiree receives 950 euros per month, and sees her bills increase. “Gas, you have to be careful, water, you have to be careful, electricity, you have to be careful”, she laments. It is one of the most modest, which in September will receive aid of 100 euros per household, and an additional 50 euros per dependent child. “It will change that I will be able to do a little bit of extra shopping, that’s all”she says.
Scholarship students and recipients of social minima are also concerned. Mahawa Ganessi, a student, receives 300 euros in scholarships and 150 euros in housing assistance. “I think it’s a good thing, especially with inflation and rising prices, it can really help people who are in need”she judges.
Audrey Khamis receives 900 euros per month in allowance for disabled adults. She now does some of her shopping in a Secours Populaire store. “Still, thank you, because it’s always better than nothing, but (…) it’s not 100 euros once, it’s 100 euros every month or every two months which would be good”, she comments. A total of 14 million people will receive government aid.