The flu epidemic is increasing in France, particularly in the South-East, Ile-de-France and Brittany

In 2021, confinements and curfews to stop the Covid-19 epidemic had blocked the circulation of other viruses, favoring their spread this winter.

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It is an epidemic of which we speak less. And yet… The flu is spreading in many French regions, according to the latest weekly report from Public Health France, published on Wednesday February 9. The epidemic remains particularly active in the South-East, where it continues to progress, but also in Ile-de-France, where it is starting to rise again.

In a press release, the health agency notes an increase in cases in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corsica, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Brittany and Ile-de-France. And to continue: “On the other hand, a drop in indicators was observed in the Centre-Val de Loire and Hauts-de-France regions” and “The indicators were stable in the other regions” metropolitan. Overseas, Guyana has entered the epidemic phase, while Mayotte has emerged from the epidemic.

The previous winter, confinements and measures against Covid-19 had blocked the circulation of other viruses, such as the flu. The French have been less infected than usual and are therefore less immunized collectively, which favors a resumption of the epidemic this winter. “Any relaxation of control measures after the fifth wave of Covid-19 could result in an increase in influenza activity”warns the health agency.

This was also the case for bronchiolitis, which mainly affects infants and has given rise to an epidemic that is still in decline, despite a slight rebound in the actions of SOS Médecins. After Burgundy-Franche-Comté, Brittany, Normandy, New Aquitaine and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the Corsica and Grand Est regions have emerged from this epidemic. The bronchiolitis epidemic has also been over for a longer time in Ile-de-France.

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