the flu epidemic continues to affect many French people

For the past few weeks, Dr. Urfan Ashraf, from SOS Médecins Paris, has been regularly contacted by patients who have flu-like symptoms: headaches, a feeling of fever or fatigue. The self-test of Arnaud Jouron, a patient, turns out to be negative, Thursday April 7. He may have contracted the flu. If this virus had not been much talked about for two years, it is back this time but with a delay. In 2019 and 2020, the peak was reached two months earlier.

Barrier gestures had so far protected the French until March against this disease. Collective immunity is weaker. Often done in the fall, the flu vaccine becomes less effective over time. In addition, the French population has been vaccinated against this virus a little less this year, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 having taken up a lot of space. In the next few days, the peak of the epidemic should be reached.

source site-14