the flavors of electronic cigarettes in debate


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

C. Sinz, F. Griffond, K. Toufik, M. Barrois, A. Rémond, A. Delcourt, C. Krauskopff, Florence Griffond, Mathias Barrois, K. Toufik, A. Rémond, A. Delcourt – France 3

France Televisions

Marshmallow, chocolate, vanilla, fruit… Flavors make disposable electronic cigarettes, or puffs, appealing to young people. But they also contain nicotine, which is denounced by associations and experts who want to ban flavorings.

They are almost a fashionable accessory in the hands of young people: puffs, disposable vapes with various tastes, wrapped in brightly colored packaging, have everything to attract them. Some even try to buy them in tobacconists, where the sale is prohibited to minors. “Some people try to buy but we ask for ID when there is doubt”explains Stéphane Guégan, tobacconist in Paris.

A real addiction

But according to one association, 84% of tobacconists seek to attract young consumers. Influencers also target them on social networks. Seduced, college students become addicted. For the doctor Loïc Josseran, president of the Alliance against tobacco, the dosage of 0.9% of nicotine which appears on the packet is equivalent to “almost one to two packs of cigarettes in terms of nicotine. We also find the addiction to the gesture”. The National Anti-Tobacco Committee calls for a ban on flavors other than tobacco.

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