The “flash mission” on the summer megafires is launched

It’s a kind of feedback, after the megafires that shook the Gironde and the rest of the country this summer. The “flash mission” fires launched by the association of departments of France began Tuesday, September 6. It will last three weeks, during which elected officials will travel to the affected departments to meet and discuss with firefighters and local elected officials.

Improvements Track

The flash mission was officially launched in Brassens, at the technical platform of the firefighters. “The objective is to make a very objective evaluation of what has worked very well, and to try to also measure the points of improvement”, explains André Accary, president of the departmental council of Saône-et-Loire, and in charge, with Jean-Luc Gleyze the president of the Gironde, of the flash mission. “Today departments that were out of risk are becoming at risk. The best example is the Jura. We have never heard of forest fires in the Jura. I think those exceptional fires won’t be so exceptional anymore.” he adds.

A report and proposals

During a meeting with firefighters who had left to fight the fires in La Teste and Landiras, the two elected officials were able to discuss the importance of air resources, helicopters and Canadairs, the support of foresters, solidarity between the departments but also points that will be needed, particularly in terms of training. The mission should take the form of a report with lines of thought to be submitted to the government and to the deputies, explains Jean-Luc Gleyze. Its findings will be presented during the national congress of firefighters at the end of September.

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