The five Legaults | The Montreal Journal

All observers say it: François Legault has lost his connection with the Quebec people.

It is as if his radar which allowed him to know where the Quebec people stood on various issues had broken.

When did the bond of trust crumble?

To find out, let’s retrace the path traveled by Mr. Legault.


There have been four François Legaults.

The first was that of identity.

After the reign of Philippe Couillard, the most federalist PM in the history of the province, the one who shouted “Intolerance!” as soon as someone dared to question the dogmas of multiculturalism, Quebecers felt the need to reconnect with their identity.

François Legault arrived. Legault was nationalism without sovereignty. The taste of sugar, without the sugar.

With Law 21 on secularism and Law 96 on the protection of French, the head of the CAQ has given Quebecers the taste for brandishing the fleur-de-lys again.

Remember his famous phrase: “That’s how we live in Quebec,” pronounced in a good-natured tone. Everyone recognized themselves in this line!

  • Listen to the political column with Jean-François Lisée via QUB radio :

Then there was the second François Legault, that of the bébelles.

With the issues of language and secularism being “settled” in his head (and in that of many Quebecers), it was necessary to find something else to keep the nationalist flame alive.

It was the era of “kids’ licenses”.

Blue Spaces. The Blue Basket. Lab Schools. Kindergartens 4 years old. Seniors’ homes.

Shiny little things that smelled new. And which gave us the impression that Quebec was finally emerging from the gloom and heading towards new horizons.

“It’s the beginning of a new time”, techno version. The pavilions of Terre des Hommes, but scattered throughout the province, and brandishing only one flag: that of Quebec.

Yes, but how much will it cost?

“We’ll see!”


Third Legault: that of the pandemic.

The little father of the people who spoke to his flock every day to reassure them. Next to a funny little man who gave us his tartlet recipes.

Condescending? Infantilizing? For some, yes. But for the majority, the paternalistic Legault was exactly what they needed to get through these anxious times.

Then we now have the fourth Legault. The lost Legault.

Labor shortage, lack of housing, teachers who drop out, public system which is failing, strike, inflation – Quebec is in crisis.

Quebecers no longer need a good dad, but a leader. Who knows where he’s going.

Now, that’s everything Mr. Legault is not.

The “dad” tone he used during the pandemic sounds more and more like a “monuncle” tone. His patents for kids (the third link, the battery sector) worry us more than they amaze us. And his ability to pull all kinds of nonsense out of his hat smacks of improvisation.

The time has come for François Legault to present his fifth incarnation to us.

The head of state.

It’s urgent.

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