For Jérémie Latreille, alias Le Fit Cook, cooking is the furthest thing from an obligation. Over time, his childhood passion turned into a true life path. Today, her goal is to share her love for cooking in any way possible – making sure it’s healthy.
A full-time recipe and content creator, The Fit Cook has been publishing creative and nutritious meal ideas for six years now. In the past year, the young man from Terrebonne has seen his audience triple on social networks. He also just released his first printed cookbook after working on it for a year.
Aged 26, Le Fit Cook already had experience: he participated in the writing of 14 electronic recipe books, 4 of which he signed. His first on paper, titled It doesn’t look good, but it’s healthy! represents a “stamp of credibility and notoriety” for the cook, who considers the fact that his creation is printed as the icing on the cake.
“I was speechless when I received the final version, it was a shock, he described in an interview with The Press. I was looking forward to this. I’m fired full emotional, I practically saw my life pass in front of me. »

In the past year, the young cook has seen his audience triple on social networks.
Jérémie Latreille has more than 112,000 subscribers on TikTok, nearly 60,000 on Facebook and nearly 50,000 on Instagram. His entertaining and instructive videos total several million views.
What he offers is vast: traditional recipes from Quebec or inspired from around the world, vegetarian dishes or dishes built around various types of meat, large meals or meal preparation in advance (meal prep). It is easy to find what suits you according to your tastes, your diet and your culinary needs.
I have the impression that each person is born with a duty, and for me, it is to show the world that cooking healthy is accessible.
Jérémie Latreille, aka The Fit Cook
He manages to make a living doing what he loves by incorporating a certain company’s product into his videos.
A longtime passion
When asked about his love for cooking, The Fit Cook has difficulty determining where it comes from. But he knows it comes from afar.
” I do not Know how to explain it to you. I have no idea where it came from, but it fascinates me. Everyone has to eat and everyone doesn’t care about cooking, I don’t understand. Me, I like the presentation styles, the cuts, the instruments, the different colors… It goes a long way, the fact of liking going to restaurants and wanting to improve myself in my creation of healthy recipes. »
A fan of physical fitness, Jérémie played football when he was in high school and started training as a teenager. Since he had to stick to a meal plan, he was quietly pushed to experiment with his dishes, in order to vary the “chicken-rice-broccoli”. Thanks to the cooking videos he watched every day, he was able to improve his diet while respecting the rules.
I started to patent myself recipes that followed the guideline of my food plan, but which still had a little twist.
Jeremy Latreille
Then, what started out as a personal interest became a reason to prepare meals for his friends on a daily basis. Then came a television column on RDS, on the airwaves of the former Fit Show. Social media videos have taken over, with progressively larger audiences.
Today, The Fit Cook publishes regularly on the web, but also runs its sugar-free sauce business, Fit Sauces. Thus, to use his words, he “makes healthy food accessible to anyone who wants to eat better”.
“And the book, I want it to explode because I want there to be a second, a third, a fourth. »

It doesn’t look good, but it’s healthy!
The Fit Cook
Practical edition
200 pages