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In the North, the positive tests are more and more numerous. If the ‘return effect’ participates in the phenomenon, the change in temperature also has something to do with it.
Symptomatic for several days, this young woman chose to come for an antigen test in a pharmacy. “I haven’t felt well for more than two days. I’m dizzy and above all very badly in my head”, she explains. In this pharmacy in the North, the eighth wave of the epidemic is there. Of the tests carried out in one afternoon, almost half are positive: “We are in clusters of primary schools and colleges around the pharmacy, so, inevitably, it is a small snowball effect. People come to be tested because they have been in contact with a positive case. or because they show symptoms”.
Throughout the region, contamination is on the rise again. The incidence rate jumped 70% in one week. In this screening center, the number of tests has almost doubled since this summer. In question, the return to school, but also the change in temperature, since everyone now stays indoors, facilitating transmission. The center anticipates an increase in appointments in the coming weeks and in particular for those under 15, the most affected by Covid-19 in recent days.