the first signs of a rate cut?


Video length: 1 min

Real estate loans: the first signs of a drop in rates?

Finally a positive sign on the real estate market. No bank increased the rates on its mortgage loans in December 2023, for the first time since 2021. Some even lowered them. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – G. De Florival, PL. Monnier, JL. Boulesteix, Z. Berkous, E. Guyonnet, A. Bouville, L. Barbier

France Televisions

Finally a positive sign on the real estate market. No bank increased the rates on its mortgage loans in December 2023, for the first time since 2021. Some even lowered them.

Is this the end of the rise in mortgage rates? Banks are starting to lend again. For the first time since 2021, none of them increased their rates in December. Even better, some have even lowered them. A landscaper will soon own a house with his family. He borrows 232,000 euros from the bank with a rate of 4.6% over 25 years. “Current rates are obviously a little high, but that still allows me to take out my loan and be a homeowner”he explains.

“We’re going to be on a set now.”

A very high rate, but the situation is starting to change, according to a broker. Borrowing conditions could be more favorable for buyers. “We will now be on a plateau with a few banks lowering their rates, but to reposition themselves in the face of competition and to gain market share”nuance Sandrine Allonger, spokesperson for Vousfinancer.

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