the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure “appeals to the Gaullists”

The boss of the Socialist Party recalled on franceinfo that “we have a social model which is the product of a story”, hoping that “everyone will remember it” during the last vote on the text in Parliament this Thursday.

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Olivier Faure, February 10, 2023. (NORBERT GRISAY / MAXPPP)

Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party, “appeals to elected Gaullists” Wednesday March 15 on franceinfo, on the eve of a decisive day on pension reform. After the agreement reached in the joint committee on Wednesday, the text must still obtain a favorable vote from Parliament on Thursday March 16 to be adopted.

“Many parliamentarians have a Gaullist streak”according to Olivier Faure, who evokes “what was the work of General De Gaulle at the Liberation. All the political parties united in a unity government, after the Second World War, had put in place the National Program of the Resistance.recalls the first secretary of the PS.

An uncertain vote in the National Assembly this Thursday

“If they remember, they can’t be the ones to put a blow to the social contract that was made at that time”he insists. “We have a social model that is the product of a story”And “I hope everyone will remember this tomorrow”.

Olivier Faure also launches “an appeal to those who have long proclaimed that they are a left leg in this relative majority”. “So if this left leg does exist, let it show up tomorrow.” Thursday, March 16, the Senate must first confirm its positive vote on this reform. The text will arrive in the afternoon, at 3 p.m., at the National Assembly, where the outcome of the vote is more uncertain.

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