The first round of the LR primary, Emmanuel Macron’s tribute to VGE, the fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic … Franceinfo informed on Thursday, December 2

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Saveria Rojek, political journalist and columnist
Nathalie Mauret, political journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group
Jerome Cordelier, editor-in-chief of the France service at Le Point, author of “Hope is a risk to be run, in the footsteps of Christian resistance fighters”, at Calmann Lévy
Stephane Zumsteeg, director of the opinion and politics department of Ipsos


Eric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse qualified for the second round of the Republicans primary. Eric Ciotti sets the bar far to the right. Is Valérie Pécresse favorite? The disillusionment of Xavier Bertrand.

Macron’s very symbolic tribute to VGE. Does the movement launched by the majority “Ensemble Citoyens” have the ambition to become the new UDF?

The fifth wave of Covid-19 in France, a “worrying” situation according to the Prime Minister. Jean Castex who insists on the importance of vaccination during a trip to Angoulême.

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