the first images of the bottom of the universe unveiled by the James Webb telescope



Article written by

M. Subra-Gomez, J. Wild, O. Palomino, L. Bleuzen – franceinfo

France Televisions

James Webb, the most powerful space telescope ever designed, unveiled its treasures on Monday July 11. NASA has revealed its first photographs of galaxies.

This is a significant advance for astronomy. The James Webb telescope took, Monday, July 11, several shots of the sky allowing in particular to discover how a star dies. A photograph also shows hundreds of galaxies, which will make it possible to understand how that of the Earth appeared. Before the James-Webb telescope, Hubble was responsible for taking pictures of space.

All the photographs, which will help astronauts discover information about space, could not be taken without the contribution of the James-Webb telescope. The latter alone represents a real astronomical advance. “The light from these distant galaxies is not visible to the naked eye. They are infrared rays whose heat can only be measured”, says an astrophysicist. NASA’s ultimate goal is to observe galaxies in depth. Two were also seen merging, in order to discover signs of life elsewhere.

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