the first humanitarian aid trucks arrived in Gaza


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C.Vérove, T.Abu Rahmeh, @revelateursFTV, M. Le Rue

France Televisions

On Saturday October 21, a convoy of 20 humanitarian aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip from Egypt.

After so much waiting, the door between Egypt and Gaza finally opened on October 21. Humanitarian aid reaches the enclave for the first time since the Hamas attack. A very brief opening, only around twenty vehicles were able to pass. “1 to 2 trucks contain medical equipment, but we do not yet know what exactly”, laments Mahmoud Hamad, responsible at the Ministry of Health in Gaza. But for the Gazans, this is a first victory. For almost two weeks, Gaza has been under total blockade, hospitals, overwhelmed with wounded, lack equipment. “We can fear the worst, because it’s not going to be enough”fears Léo Cans, head of Médecins sans Frontières in Jerusalem.

A next convoy on Monday

The UN has warned: this convoy must not be the last. For its part, Israel still refuses a ceasefire. Bi-national families are waiting to leave the enclave, which has been bombed for two weeks.

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