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The French consume more than 25,000 tons of pickles per year. The green fruit is however produced very little in France, since 80% come from India. France Télévisions met one of the rare French producers, in the Somme.
The pickle is a small green fruit, picked before maturity. To revelles (Sum)it’s harvest time. The seasonal workers are lying facing the ground, their hands alerts. “It’s really very unusual. Generally, either a machine does all the work, or you have to harvest on foot.“, notes Axel Leclerc, agricultural worker. In addition to his apples, beets and potatoes, Simon Lenoir has started producing organic pickles.
“It is a culture which, unfortunately with global warming, can adapt well to Picardy. Historically, it was produced in Burgundy in France“, he says. Once picked, the pickles are washed and sorted. The smaller they are, the better. “The Grail is the extra-fine“, notes Agathe Villefranche, farmer. Dipped in vinegar, they will then end up in one of the 6,000 pots produced by the French farm. A drop of water among the millions of jars imported each year, especially from India.