Video length: 1 min.
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The situation on the fire front in Alberta, western Canada, is unprecedented. The province is asking, Monday evening May 8, for help from the federal government, because 25% of the fires are out of control.
Suffocating the forest, the fire is out of control, under the watchful eye of helpless firefighters in the face of this spreading inferno. After the fire, there are only blackened trunks, charred cars and dozens of fumaroles, ready to go off again at any moment. Western Canada is in a state of emergency in the face of the fire that has been ravaging its forests for four days. Favored by the wind and by very dry weather, the outbreaks of flames multiplied and spread at full speed.
Entire villages under threat
Firefighters are dealing with more than 100 fires. A third of them are out of control. Stunned, the inhabitants film the columns of smoke and the walls of flames that surround them. Entire villages are threatened. Nearly 30,000 people had to be evacuated and are waiting in fear of bad news. “We don’t know if we’ll ever be able to go home“, worries a resident. The fires have already destroyed more than 160,000 hectares. An unprecedented situation at this time of year.