the firefighter at the heart of a huge scandal meets Gérald Darmanin in the field, his strong message!

What is the news of François Descamps? The winner of Koh Lanta: the cursed totem(ex-aequo with Bastien, candidate with whom he had to share the 100,000 euros, note) posted Friday August 12, two photos on his account instagram. On one of them, we can see the Hérault firefighter saluting Gérald Darmanin.

Indeed, Wednesday August 10, the Minister of the Interior made a trip to Mostuéjouls (Aveyron) to the command post of the firefighters engaged against the fire which ravaged more than 700 hectares between Aveyron and Lozère.

In legend, the ex-adventurer wrote: “Proud to participate in the fight in this particularly complicated fire season, alongside my fellow firefighters from France and alongside all civil security actors. Courage to all for all the battles to be fought and all the other interventions Daily !”

In the comments, several Internet users praised the courage and dedication of the future dad. “Bravo to you”, “Respect to you and your colleagues”, “A great respect to all the firefighters who have been fighting for weeks…”, “Courage!!! Congratulations for this commitment and this strength”, “What bravery . Firefighters I have known. Like him never “, could we read. Even Denis Brogniart wanted to react to this publication. “Bravo François! Thoughts for all the firefighters!

Images that will, however, annoy more than one…

See also: Denis Brogniart: “Fed up”, a candidate for “Koh-Lanta, the legend” goes crazy after yet another theft!

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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