From the memory of a supporter, Anglet Hormadi did not never experienced such a disastrous start to the season: eight defeats in eight games, and a place last in the standings. And Basque hockey players don’t really see any reason to hope: the club parted ways with its best striker, Ilya Zubov in the off-season, its best goalkeeper left the club after two games, two other strikers are injured and none of these players are replaced. Results, a fan revolt
on November 30, during the match against the Dragons of Rouen, they unfurled a banner “Delage get out!“
Supporters who denounce a president “absent“, “invisible“, and who say to themselves “abandoned“. Last Tuesday, October 4, the club’s sports manager, Xavier Daramy, was summoned to the board of directors, and accused of fomenting this rebellion. The darling of the club, 56 times French international, 18 seasons with the green, white, red jersey (when he could have played in the best French clubs) denounces “I cannot accept such accusations“.”I always tried to do the best with the means I was given.” he affirms and he laments: “today the means are not given; I have to dissociate myself from the management team in place, the situation is becoming too grotesque“.
© Radio France
Stephane Garcia
Two resignations for the club
A few hours after this resignation, club president Grégoire Delage also announced that he was leaving Hormadi. We tried to contact him, without success. The next board meeting is scheduled for October 26.unless it is advanced given the urgency of the situation, it is he who will have to announce how the club is reorganizing to continue its season.