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The fire that ravaged eight hectares in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, in the Alpes-Maritimes, has been fixed since the morning of Saturday September 10. 150 firefighters were mobilized on the ground.
Located in a steep area, an equestrian center in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin (Alpes-Maritimes) had a difficult night. At noon, Saturday, September 10, ashes and a few fumaroles testify to the fire that raged in the town. Eight hectares of very dry vegetation were traversed by a fire fanned by a strong wind. “A brush fire that started in an area that was very inaccessible, which hampered us a lot in our usual strategies, since we had to adapt with specific means“, describes Jean-François Goletto, commander of the rescue operations of the SDIS 06.
It all started on the evening of Friday, September 9, near an equestrian center. Nine horses had to be evacuated. Up to 150 firefighters were mobilized to protect two houses and evacuate their inhabitants.
Two adults, three children and an infant spent the night in a gymnasium. “They arrive, we manage the emergency, and once they rest a bit, there is the stress that comes back, the shock. That’s why we can also set up an aid cell psychological, if they need”Explain Najoua Hurcet, director of the CCAS of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. The fire is fixed, Saturday, September 10, and the evacuees will be able to return to their homes.