the fire in a building in the 13th arrondissement is extinguished

The toll from this fire remains light with one person “very slightly injured”, Paris firefighters told France Bleu.

Article written by

France Info – With France Bleu Paris

Radio France


Reading time :
1 minute

Screenshot of the video of the fire broadcast by France Bleu Paris, September 15, 2023. (SCREEN CAPTURE ON X)

The impressive fire, which broke out in a building on avenue de Choisy, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, has been extinguished, indicates France Bleu Paris. A large plume of black smoke escaped from the building. The toll remains light: one person is “very slightly injured” after inhaling smoke, say the Paris firefighters.

On a video sent to France Bleu Paris by a local resident, we see flames and thick black smoke escaping through the windows. “It’s impressive and intense”commented this resident who lives just opposite.

The fire started late in the afternoon. One hundred firefighters were sent to the scene, details the police. The fire started from the sixth floor of the building and then spread, firefighters explained.

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