The fine flower | Pleasant as a spring ★★★

Driven into bankruptcy and seeing her family business about to be taken over by a powerful competitor, a great rose-maker takes on three new employees with no experience in horticulture, from social reintegration programs.

Posted at 2:30 p.m.

Marc-Andre Lussier

Marc-Andre Lussier
The Press

The fine flower is one of those films whose dramatic progression is extremely predictable, but which nevertheless charms thanks, in this case, to the environment in which the plot is set, to the lovely sets, to the spring freshness found there, and, above all, to the presence of Catherine Frot, absolutely perfect in the role of this luminary of the creation of roses.

A little on the same model as the recent Haute Couture (Sylvie Ohayon), the story of The fine flower is also based on the improbable encounter between two beings from completely different backgrounds. Through the practice of a demanding profession, for which one must first be endowed with a kind of special gift, links are forged, prejudices fall away. First seeing with a very bad eye the arrival of three new employees recruited by her faithful assistant in the social services, Eve (Catherine Frot) will learn to know – and to appreciate – these beings that life has not spared. .

In this feature film, director Pierre Pinaud (Tell me about yourself), a botanist since childhood, also highlights a little-known practice – the creation of a rose for a competition – by illustrating how one manages to create beauty, even on a strewn path. obstacles. Borrowing the tone of benevolent comedy, The fine flower also evokes a world where family and craft businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in the face of competition from large industrial conglomerates.

Catherine Frot offers an excellent performance with, always, this very distinctive presence. Very credible in the role of this woman who carries at arm’s length the small farm bequeathed to her by her father, the actress is also well supported by Olivia Côte, interpreter of the faithful assistant, as well as by Melan Omerta, a rapper who is making her screen debut here.

We will register The fine flower among these comfort films that do not reinvent anything, but offer the viewer a pleasant moment.

Showing this Friday

The fine flower


The fine flower

Pierre Pinaud

With Catherine Frot, Melan Omerta, Olivia Côte


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