the financial sanctions “from the first bullshit” against the families of rioters go badly in the working-class neighborhoods

Emmanuel Macron plans to financially sanction the families of violent minors. In Marseille, parents from working-class neighborhoods feel directly singled out.

He does not rule out sanctioning “financially“the families of minors guilty of violence,”a kind of minimum rate from the first bullshit“. After the right, Emmanuel Macron puts forward a shock proposal as a conclusion to the urban riots that occurred after the death of Nahel in Nanterre. The speech is not necessarily well accepted in working-class neighborhoods.

>> Urban violence: “We lost five years to get everyone moving”, reacts the mayor of Grigny, received by Emmanuel Macron

It’s a bit of a hassle“, launches Sarah, Marseilles mother of three children. She feels unfairly singled out and does not support the turn taken by the political debate following the riots, between caricatures and overbidding of security proposals. “We’re fed up with random phrases or generalities that we go out on the news without really getting to the heart of the problem. It should stop anyway“, she denounces.

We feel targetedsupports Nabil, father of three teenagers. It’s not normal to come out with things like that, it hurts. They are wrong and move the subject.”

“They don’t know what to do, so they blame us. We’re always the problem.”

Nabil, father

at franceinfo

“More and more extreme” remarks

For Charifa, on the other hand, “Yes, there are some parents who have resigned. Afterwards, it is true that we should not stigmatize because in these neighborhoods, there are parents who raise their children alone for many. Their children, however, have values, benchmarks and become future adults and future professionals after…

For this Marseillaise, the debates should first focus on the important issues of employment, prospects, projects. “We have to focus on the malaise that there is among these young people, who no longer have any reference points, who no longer have anything and therefore break everything. It’s their way of expressing themselves, it doesn’t mean that we condone what is happening obviously because the whole population is drinking, but we have to look for the discomfort elsewhere.

>> Riots: you have to be present, otherwise you are not parents”: the call for responsibility launched by Emmanuel Macron resonates with parents

Fazia Hamiche is an associative activist in the northern districts of the city. She believes that the proposals are not up to par, starting with the financial sanctions envisaged by the Head of State. “We get into more and more extreme remarks and it becomes extremely dangerous because we don’t know what politics they are playing on, we can no longer understand“, she laments, before adding: “It is not the parent that should be punished, it is the child. And it is to these young people that we must explain, we must renew a dialogue, it is imperative to renew a dialogue. It seems that there is a lull, but it is hard to believe. The lull is just on the surface, certainly not in the quarters.

A still very present anger that could resurface at any time warns this association manager.

Friday, June 30 already, the President of the Republic appealed to the “responsibility of all parents“. The Minister of Justice even called them to “hold their kids“: “Parents who are not interested in their kids and who leave them hanging out at night knowing where they are going (…), they incur two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros“, recalled Éric Dupond-Moretti. In a circular sent to the prosecutor’s office on Friday, it is possible to use the police to bring in parents who do not appear when their child is summoned to court, or to condemn them directly to a fine or a period of parental responsibility.

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