“The Finance Committee will be a public safety tool”, promises Julien Bayou


France 2

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Julien Bayou, deputy and national secretary of EELV, is the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday July 1.

Elisabeth Borne will deliver her general policy speech on Wednesday July 6. Why should she take a vote of confidence? “It’s tradition. And the government is responsible to the National Assembly. There is a need for a framework, a general policy discourse. Do they retire at 65 or not? Do they want to raise wages? Act on thermal renovation? We need a vote of confidence.”assures Julien Bayou, deputy and national secretary of EELV, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday 1er July.

Éric Coquerel was elected to head the Finance Committee. “It’s going to be a public health tool. Large groups are not paying their fair share. On average, multinationals are around 5 to 8% [d’impôts] when SMEs, craftsmen, are at 28%. This creates a terrible distortion of competition. […] This finance commission will also make it possible to dismantle these arrangements which are intended to deceive the tax. This is the case of Euro Disney, Starbucks, Airbnb, General Electric”develops Julien Bayou.

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